What Happens if a Person’s Testosterone Level Is Low?
Testosterone is a sex hormone that both men and women need. In men, it is important for the reproductive functions, muscle size and strength, sex drive, and body hair. In women, testosterone is thought to affect ovarian function, libido, and bone strength.
The signs of low testosterone can be subtle, and they can be a bit confusing at first because they are similar or identical to symptoms of other conditions or problems. Low sex drive, difficulty achieving and maintaining an erection, fatigue, hair loss, decreased muscle and bone mass, mood changes, increased body fat, and memory problems are common in men with low testosterone; in women, low testosterone can cause hot flashes and other menopause symptoms, fatigue, an increase in body fat, and problems with mental clarity.
There are many possible causes of low testosterone. It can be the result of disease, a hormonal disorder, injury or infection of the testicles, or a nutritional deficiency. It can also just be a part of the normal aging process.
How Is Low Testosterone Treated?
If your symptoms are affecting your quality of life, testosterone replacement therapy may be recommended. This involves restoring the testosterone levels by administering the hormone through an oral insert; a pellet that goes underneath the skin; injections; or a gel, cream, or patch applied to the skin. Once you begin testosterone treatment, you have to continue it for the rest of your life or your testosterone levels will drop once again. A doctor should monitor you throughout your testosterone treatment.
Are you concerned that you may have low testosterone? Schedule an appointment today with the Greater Hartford Urology Group to determine if low testosterone is the problem. There are offices in Hartford, Enfield, and Glastonbury – call 860-522-2251 for an appointment today!