Nobody enjoys needing to pee every few hours, waking up at night to pee, having weak urine flow, or needing to strain to pass urine. Good news: You don’t have to live like that anymore thanks to a broad range of effective enlarged prostate treatments, from conservative care to surgery. Here, we explore your options.
Conservative BPH Treatment Options
The right approach to treating BPH depends on the severity of your symptoms. If you have mild symptoms, such as a slight increase in urinary frequency or difficulty starting urination, you may not need immediate treatment. We might recommend the watch and wait approach (monitoring your condition over time) and making lifestyle adjustments to see if the symptoms improve or worsen.
If your symptoms disrupt your daily life, we might recommend medication. Alpha-blockers, which relax the prostate and bladder neck muscles, making urinating easier, are a common approach. Another medication option, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, works by blocking the male hormone that stimulates prostate growth. They can also help promote better urinary flow and could even reduce prostate size over time.
When an Advanced Treatment is the Best Solution
In some cases, medication may not provide adequate relief. That’s when we might recommend advanced treatments to reposition or remove the excess prostate tissue that’s causing your symptoms. This category offers a wide range of treatment choices, using methods ranging from radiofrequency energy to surgical excision.
Surgical treatments are generally the most definitive solution because they remove the prostate tissue. Relief can last for years. However, prostate tissue can grow back over time. After treatment, scheduling routine check-ups with our specialists is the best way to recognize and treat potential problems early.
Effective BPH Solutions in Hartford
If you have aggravating prostate symptoms and need compassionate support, our expert urologists are here to help. Reach out online or call our office at 860-522-2251 to schedule an appointment in Hartford, Enfield, or Glastonbury, CT, today.